Sculpt Arms in Yoga Plank Position

The yoga plank position helps to sculpt both the upper body and the arms. When practiced on a regular basis, the yoga plank position can sculpt and define the biceps and triceps. It also helps sculpt and tone the shoulders, chest, and core muscles. The yoga plank position is one of the most popular poses in the Sun Salutation and is a great strength workout. There are also challenging variations of the yoga plank position that can further increase arm and upper body strength.

Do Power Yoga Headstands
To properly do a power yoga headstand you should get personal instruction. This position can cause injury to your neck or back if done incorrectly. These steps are meant simply as an outline and check list after you know what a proper headstand feels like as taught by a professional.

Practice Tantra Yoga
Tantra Yoga concerns itself with the manifestation of physical desires. It surrounds itself with the belief that as long as individuals are slaves to their instincts they will repeatedly experience feelings of dissatisfaction, selfishness, loneliness, and anxiety. By physical and ritual cleansing, Tantra Yoga offers individuals the opportunity to free one self from such negativity.

Practice Pranayama in Yoga
Pranayama is one of the 8 limbs of the path of yoga described by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga-Sutras. It is the practice of control of energy (prana), usually through conscious meditative breathing.

Lose Weight After a C Section
Most moms are eager to return to their pre-pregnancy weight after giving birth. This can be difficult for any mom to achieve, but women who give birth via C-section are faced with additional obstacles and must follow specific rules in order to lose their pregnancy weight safely and successfully. Since a Cesarean section requires making an incision in the lower abdomen, it can be six to eight weeks before the incision is fully healed and an exercise program can even begin.