Do Low Back Exercises With Yoga Ball

Low back pain is often a result of sitting at a desk or in your car and allowing the low back to round. Doing yoga with a yoga ball can stretch the low back muscles and also strengthen the abdominal muscles to support the low back.
Doing exercises with a yoga ball to lengthen long muscles on the back and create traction along the spine promotes soothing decompression.
Training lower belly muscles to support the low back keeps it out of that rounded slouch that results in low back pain.

Perform the Hip Opener Yoga Pose
From professional athletes to office professionals, all people carry stress in various parts of their body that yoga can help release. One common problem area, particularly in women, runners and other athletes, is the hip area. Tension in the hips will cause low back pain and tightness as well. A simple hip opening stretch will help to improve your balance and reduce stress in your hips.

Assume the Malasana Squat for Prenatal Yoga
There are a number of postures in yoga that can be very beneficial for the expectant mother but one of the most valuable may just be the Malasana Squat. The Malasana Squat is a great way on toning your thighs and increasing your hip flexibility while relaxing your pelvic floor all in preparation for the labor and birth of your child. Once in labor, the Malasana Squat can shorten your birth canal and employ the use of gravity to aid in delivery. This can translate into a much easier birthing process, and reduce the stress for both the mother and the child.

Do Chataranga Dandasana Jumpback in Ashtanga Yoga
Vinyasa, or “flow” yoga styles originate from Surya Namaskarya A, or Sun Salutations in Ashtanga Yoga. Vinyasa can be loosely translated as movement on the breath as pranayama, or breathwork helps create internal heat, tapas, that helps in detoxification. Sun salutations include eight distinct asanas and one of them is Chataranga Dandasana, when the body is lowered close to the floor from Plank Pose (what looks like the top of a classic push-up position). For intermediate to advanced practitioners, jumping back to Chataranga is a way to create additional heat. It requires upper body and lower abdominal strength to jump back safely. Beginners, please continue to step back until you have at least six months of regular practice under your belt.

Enrich Yoga Practice With Food
Yoga is a healthy exercise for the mind, body and soul. Just as the exercises you practice during yoga are good for the internal organs and external appearance, eating the appropriate foods will enhance the benefits of yoga. This article does not encourage calorie-counting or restricting certain foods. It is meant to help yoga practitioners choose foods that will enhance the exercises. In yoga, it is vital to eat foods that are nutrient-rich in their natural state as opposed to processed and high-fat foods.