Use Props in Ivengar Yoga

Although many people are unfamiliar with Iyengar yoga, those who do know it might associate the school with the use of a lot of props. Iyengar yoga is a very versatile style. While many practitioners are quite advanced, even they may use props at times to work on new poses. On the other hand, Iyengar teachers are very skilled at adapting yoga poses so that they can be performed by almost anyone, and especially for beginners, this adaptation often involves the use of props like yoga bricks, straps and cushions.

Alternate Nose Breathing in Yoga
Alternative nostril breathing has been practiced for centuries. It helps purify the body and calm the mind and it has been know to have a balancing effect for the left and right hemispheres of the brain, too.

Treat High Blood Pressure with Yoga
High blood pressure is a common condition where your arteries cannot handle the force of blood flow, according to Mayo Clinic. The medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension and often has no symptoms. Yoga, a system of holistic health, treats hypertension by regulating blood flow over consistent practice of specific poses. Yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar recommends reclining hero pose, or supta virasana, for treating hypertension. Hypertension can lead to serious health conditions such as heart disease, so consult your doctor first.

Assume the Locust Pose in Yoga
The locust pose, or Salabhasana in Sanskrit, is an energizing pose that strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Find Good Yoga DVDs
Looking for that perfect yoga DVD can sometimes be difficult and waste valuable time--especially if you're not sure what to look for. Focus instead on your exercise or meditation needs when looking for a yoga video. Find good yoga DVDs with a few key steps and start practicing yoga in a flash.