Do the Saddle Pose in Yin Yoga

Yoga is gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional exercise classes. The Saddle pose in Yin Yoga opens the sacral lumbar arch and stretches the quadriceps and hip flexors. The pose stimulates digestion, the meridians of the stomach, spleen, gall bladder and legs.

Set Up a Yoga Store
Maybe you were teaching classes at the local rec center or gym, but have made a decision to open your own yoga studio. Setting up your shop will be exciting and intimidating. Follow the framework as you prepare for this venture.

Do Arm Stretching Yoga Exercises
Arm stretching Yoga exercises will open you up and flex you out. It allows your body to stretch from head to toe while improving strength and endurance. Keep reading to find out how to perform arm stretching yoga moves.

Choose Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis
If you have osteoporosis, your bone tissue can deteriorate or become fragile, which can increase the risk of fractures and other injuries. Recently physicians have found that certain yoga poses may strengthen bones and possibly reverse the damage done by osteoporosis.

Do Power Yoga Poses
For all you yoga enthusiasts out there, power yoga takes some skill and breath work. By being mindful of a few key ingredients to working your power yoga poses, you'll not only feel stronger but more vibrant as well.