Make a Camping Pad

Camping pads are used to provide cushion from the hard, lumpy ground and to provide extra warmth for the sleeper. They also prevent your sleeping bag from getting damp and dirty--yes, a sleeping bag can get damp and grungy even inside a tent. Unlike cots or inflatable air mattresses, a good camping pad is lightweight, portable and doesn't require intense labor (or batteries) to inflate.
If your camping budget doesn't allow for a store-bought camping pad you can "repurpose" some items from home to make a decent substitute for a camping pad.

Choose Yoga Poses for Headaches
Whether it's a pounding migraine or a cranial throbbing caused by stress, a headache can really ruin your day and prevent you from focusing on the things that are important to you. In addition to boosting general health in other ways, practicing yoga can help relieve headaches.

Achieve Homeostasis
Homeostasis is the body’s ability to maintain a normal physiological state when external conditions change. When external conditions like extreme changes in the weather have an effect on the body, the body can become stressed because it has to work harder to keep all systems running smoothly. To help the body maintain a healthy state, measures should be taken to assist the body in attaining balance on the emotional and physical level. When the systems in the body work together harmoniously and are balanced, homeostasis is achieved. There are many ways you can achieve a state of homeostasis.

Use Tea Lights in Yoga Practice
Tea lights are an easy way to augment your yoga practice. Some tea lights are scented, providing olfactory stimulation. Alternately, tea lights can be used as a softer form of lighting than the lighting found in most modern homes. Finally, tea lights can be used as a focal point for dharana and dhyana yoga. No matter what reason you decide to use tea lights, integrating them into your yogic practice is easy.

Find Music for a Kids' Yoga Class
Whether it's the chimes of an Indonesian gamelan ensemble or the steady beat of reggae, music naturally energizes people while they exercise. In a children's yoga class, music can help kids remain focused and motivated, although it also can be disruptive. When selecting music for your kids' yoga class, try to choose songs that will enhance your students' performance and enjoyment. There are several ways you can search for an appropriate classroom soundtrack.