Do Yoga as an Un-Flexible Person

There is a common misconception that yoga can only be practiced by flexible people who can contort themselves into human pretzels. This is inaccurate: Yoga comes in many forms, and people of all ages and flexibility levels can practice it, if they stay within their physical ability.B.K.S. Iyengar, who designed a yoga system bearing his name, Iyengar yoga, uses props such as yoga belts, yoga blocks, ordinary folding chairs and thick woolen blankets to help students create a practice appropriate for their individual needs. Attending an Iyengar yoga class, you'll be offered a yoga block in certain poses if you cannot bend at the waist and touch your toes.Below are instructions for practicing Paschimottanasana (intense western-facing pose) and Utthita Trikonasana (triangle pose), using appropriate props.

Relieve Jaw and Neck Tension
Your neck is bound to be tense -- after all, it spends all day holding up your head. Jaws, too, are frequently locations of tension and muscle pain. Most often, people aren't aware that they're carrying tension in these areas until the pain becomes intolerable or their range of motion restricted. Mindfulness is the foundation for dealing neck and jaw pain. According to "Yoga Journal," muscle tension can lead to headaches and other health problems. Regular stretching and massage can soothe tense muscles.

Lean Out Bulk Muscle
Fitness goals can change over time. When a person is younger, or when he competes in a sport like football, it may seem important to create bulk and extremely large muscles. However, there might come a time in an athlete's and fitness enthusiast's life when he realizes the benefit to a body equipped with long, lean muscles rather than sheer bulk. By modifying a workout, it is possible to convert large muscles to longer, leaner muscles.

Execute the Half Lotus in Yoga
Many yoga postures begin in a sitting position. The standard way to sit in yoga is the full lotus position or the half lotus if you cannot execute the full version. Don’t despair if you can’t do the full lotus. Some people are never able to achieve it. The posture requires flexibility in the hip joints and in the knees.

Prevent Post-Workout Neck Soreness
If you've ever been to the gym and pushed yourself a little too far, you are familiar with the aches and pains that come the next day. This type of pain is called delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and is one of the most common ailments that people suffer from their fitness routines. Here is how to prevent and reduce sore muscles and neck pain.