Do Yoga Poses for Menstrual Cramps

Any woman will tell you that menstrual cramps can be excruciating. Even if one takes medicine, the wait for relief to kick in can be stomach wrenching. Luckily many yoga poses can relax the mind and body at this painful time of month. Read on to learn how to do yoga poses for menstrual cramps.

Do the Garland Pose in Yoga
The Garland Pose or Malasana in yoga is a simple pose that helps to build up the bodies inner strength. Focusing on a position that the majority of people in the world use in their everyday work environments, the Garland Pose has a beneficial effect on deepening the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, while helping to strengthen the ankles, provide a healing stretch for the lower back, legs and neck, while offering the body a moment of relaxation. The Malasana Pose is also used in the middle of a yoga session to provide a bit of rest from the more intense and advanced poses. Here’s how to perform the Garland or Malasana pose in yoga.

Utilize All 26 Bikram Yoga Poses
Bikram yoga is also known as "hot" yoga, where you are put into a room heated to about 105 degrees F and 26 yoga poses are held during a 90-minute session. Utilizing all 26 Bikram poses is difficult at first, but with a persistence and consistency, the ease of utilizing the poses will be obtainable.

Pump Up a Stability Ball
A stability ball is a piece of equipment that was originally used for patients needing physical therapy. It is also an effective tool to use for exercise and can be used in different ways. Stability balls are not only good for an overall workout, but they improve your balance, posture and the muscles throughout your entire body. When obtaining a stability ball, it does not come pre-inflated, so you will have to pump it up yourself.

Do Yoga Stretches to Relieve Low Back Pain
If your low back is tight or you have chronic back pain, your physician may recommended a period of physical therapy and gentle exercise to help. If you are in pain, exercise may be the last thing you want to do, but if your pain is due to tight or de-conditioned muscles, the right exercise program may be able to help your condition. Before you begin any physical regimen, have your back pain diagnosed, as some exercises may be contraindicated for your conditions and may make it worse. There are some yoga stretches that can help to loosen and strengthen the muscles of the lower back.