Stretch the Spine in Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga teaches many postures that can help to stretch your spine. A common statement in yoga is that “You are as young as your spine is flexible.” Keeping your back muscles flexible will help you to prevent and manage chronic back pain. Below are a few of the more common spine stretches taught in Hatha yoga. If possible do these stretches on a hard surface such as a floor. Stretching while lying on a bed does not provide the same support to your back. Read on to learn how to stretch the spine in hatha yoga.

Paint Your Yoga Mat
Many yoga mats are sold with artistic designs printed on them in various styles. However, it is not uncommon for an avid practitioner of yoga to want to paint her own mat to personalize it. While no paint can withstand the constant wear that a yoga mat endures, acrylic craft paint will last for a substantial amount of time. To prevent a layer of paint chipping off every time you use your yoga mat, purchase a mat in the base color you desire so that you must only paint on the details. With 15 minutes of spare time, you can paint and customize your yoga mat.

Do Yoga Bandha Poses
While there are several bandha poses in yoga, the most common are the mula bandha, uddiyana bandha and jalandhara bandha. You can perform these poses together to induce a calm, meditative state and balance energy.

Do a Yoga Quad Stretch
Keeping the body flexible and limber is important if you want to reduce the risk of injuries. This is especially true even if you're not an athlete. People suffer back sprains or muscle spasms even while performing the most routine, everyday activities. Reduce the risks of injuries by exercising regularly. If you don't have the time to do a rigorous workout routine, there are quick stretching exercises you can perform that will take only a few minutes. The yoga quad stretch loosens your hip flexors and quadriceps and helps flexes your body.

Do Yoga Standing Chest Stretches
There’s more than one way to stretch the chest with yoga poses. However, few are as simple and convenient to do as yoga standing chest stretches. Whether you make it a regular part of your daily yoga routine, or it’s something you do on your lunch break at work, yoga standing chest stretches are a great way to open up the lungs to deeper breathing and rejuvenation.