Use Utkatasana Yoga Pose to Build Leg Strength

Practicing the physical poses, or asana, of yoga can create many health benefits. Although yoga is traditionally not used for exercise, yoga does build leg strength in all standing poses, and this stamina serves us all.In the Ashtanga yoga system as designed by Sri Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India, the sun salutations prepare yogis for the rigors of standing poses. By practicing these poses six days a week, you can improve balance and poise to temper the pure physical strength. Learn how to practice Utkatasana, Chair or Heron pose, to build the large muscles of the front of the thigh, the quadriceps. Utkatasana also strengthens the back of the thighs, the hamstrings.

Do the King Dancer Yoga Pose
The King Dancer is a standing pose, meant to challenge and improve the balance, strengthen and tone the legs, and stretch out the shoulders, which are a prime tension spot for stress.The pose should be eased into through the steps outlined below to optimize the benefits of strengthening your body and relaxing your mind. Start with the first step and stop wherever you feel comfortable, although, with practice and pacing, even a beginner should be able to eventually reach the most advanced step of the King Dancer pose, improving both balance and flexibility in the process.

Do Nidra Yoga
Yoga nidra is also known as the "sleep of the yogis." It is more of a set of relaxation techniques that are to be used in combination with meditation to help bring about a feeling of intense calm and restfulness. People that teach this technique believe that a half hour of yoga nidra is as relaxing as 3 hours of sleep, though it does not provide the required rest for the body. Yoga nidra works as a consciousness cleanser and is designed to bring peace to the practitioner.

Design a Mat for Yoga
Mass-produced yoga mats are readily available these days, thanks to B.K.S. Iyengar, one of the founders of modern yoga, who popularized the use of props. But some practitioners prefer to make or customize their own mats. Whether you have specific physical requirements---tall, broad-shouldered, a need for extra cushioning, wish to economize, or simply want a unique mat to match a personal practice, this guide will outline what you need to do.

Warm Up for Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini yoga practice involves the whole physical form. Kundalini warm up not only prepares the physical form, but prepares the energy centers for Kundalini practice. Namaste.