Become a Kundalini Yoga Instructor

For centuries, yoga has been the connection of body and mind. Millions have achieved peace and physical alignment through the practice of yoga. Kundalini yoga is a specific branch that combines the life force with the basic tenets of yoga to create a unique sect within the yoga realm. Instructing Kundalini yoga is specifically rewarding for teachers who adhere to the teachings of a yoga awakening. Here’s how to become a Kundalini yoga instructor.

Get Rid of a Headache With Yoga Poses
Minor headaches that are a result of inadequate sleep, long periods staring at a computer or exposure to loud noises can be reduced and often eliminated with the practice of yoga postures. Yoga poses in which the head is lowered below the level of the heart--inversions--allows blood to flood the brain, bringing with it more oxygen. Inverted poses include adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog), salamba sarvangasana (shoulderstand) and setu bandhanasana (backbend). Learn how to use these asanas for minor headache relief.

Master Meditation & Yoga
Practicing meditation and yoga is an effective way to improve your mental health and physical fitness. These activities help relieve stress and allow you to embrace a feeling of peacefulness, which results in a positive outlook on life. Mastering meditation and yoga is an ongoing process. If you start slowly and practice regularly, it can become an essential part of your daily life.

Stretch for a Bikram's Yoga Class
Bikram yoga is a series of 26 poses that Bikram Choudhury adapted from hatha yoga. Hot yoga is another term used for Bikram yoga, the theory being that a warm body is more flexible. Adherents practice Bikram yoga in a 104-degree-Fahrenheit studio. The heat encourages sweating and the flushing out of impurities, which speeds up the inner cleansing process. It is important to perform a few stretches and warm-up poses to prepare your body for the class.

Do the Yoga Bridge Pose
The Bridge pose in yoga benefits several muscle groups. The pose's first stage stretches and strengthens the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. The second stage works the upper body.