Best Way to Clean a Yoga Mat

Your yoga mat provides a firm foundation for doing yoga postures and other exercises. After performing your postures, your yoga mat can get dirty. The more you use it, the more sweat, skin disease causing bacteria and dirt accumulate over time. However, cleaning your yoga mat with some common cleaning recipes you can make will prevent the spread of infectious skin conditions, such as ringworm.

Participate in a Yoga Retreat
Finding time to practice yoga can often be a huge challenge for most people. Everyday lives are consumed with work, family and other tasks that make it hard to focus on yoga. A retreat provides the serenity needed to create that focus. Read on to learn how to participate in a yoga retreat.

Dress for Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is a form of yoga that uses continuous movements while practicing the postures, while breathing and chanting. As with many other forms of yoga, certain types of comfortable clothing are required in order to perform the postures correctly. Here's how to dress for Kundalini yoga.

Practice Kundalini Yoga Concentration
Kundalini yoga uses a variety of yoga techniques, meditation and mantra (sound) to integrate the body and mind., Because we are used to allowing our minds to wander aimlessly, entering a state of intense concentration during Kundalini yoga practice can be challenging.

Relieve Stress With Bikram Yoga
Bikram yoga, founded by yoga champion Bikram Choudhury, is done in a hot room with temperatures between 95 to 105 degrees F. The purpose of the heat is to make the body more flexible while releasing toxins in your sweat. You'll do 26 poses that promote stretching and strengthening. Get out your yoga mat, drink lots of water and get started on your journey into Bikram yoga.