Participate in a Bikram Yoga Retreat

You can think of Bikram yoga retreats as yoga vacations, a chance to dedicate yourself to the practice while relaxing. Follow these steps to find a Bikram yoga retreat.

Alleviate Bags Under the Eyes with Facial Yoga
Puffiness beneath the eye area is a common issue among those who deal with sagging facial skin. Facial yoga generates results you can see in just a few weeks. Skin lifts over newly toned muscles to reveal a tighter and younger looking face.

Start Yoga as a Male Beginner
Yoga is an exercise typically practiced by women. This ancient exercise routine can also be used to enhance many of the sports men love. Starting yoga can be intimidating. Watching pros touch the back of their heads with the tips of their toes is enough to make a man roll up the yoga mat and hit the showers.

Build Stamina With Yoga
Most people view yoga as a gentle and peaceful exercise. But what most people don't realize is that you can build stamina and endurance from practicing different methods of yoga in different intensities. You will also get the benefits of increased flexibility, a peaceful and rested mind and a feeling of being centered. There are many types of yoga you can choose from, but if you are looking to build stamina, you may want to consider Vinyasa yoga. Vinyasa yoga classes are offered in many yoga or fitness centers.

Assume the Mountain Pose in Yoga
The mountain pose, or "tadasana" in Sanskrit, is a fundamental posture in yoga. Though it seems very simple, it demonstrates principles you can apply to every yoga pose - balance, concentration and extension.