Teach Water Yoga

Yoga takes on new dimensions when practiced in the water. Some poses that were challenging become easier and others feel completely different from their land counterparts. Try branching from teaching regular yoga formats into teaching water yoga or yoqua classes by using these steps.

Safely Practice Yoga While Pregnant
Yoga is an excellent activity for expectant mothers. It can keep you focused and flexible during pregnancy and prepare you for the rigors of both childbirth and motherhood. Yoga can be easily adapted as your pregnancy develops and your belly grows. In spite of its pliable nature, there are still some necessary precautions to take while practicing prenatal yoga. Here are some.

Practice Partner Yoga at Home
Practicing partner yoga at home is a great way to bond. Partner yoga can be practiced by anyone, including romantic partners. When you practice partner yoga at home you can both enjoy a form of low-impact exercise together, and enjoy connecting on a physical and spiritual level. Partner yoga can be practiced once a week, or once day, depending on your schedules.

Do the Yoga Triangle Pose
The Triangle pose in yoga provides stretches the hamstring and back and expands your core for excellent breathing. You may use a foam block to assist you in this pose if you are less flexible, or you may deepen the stretch without it.

Benefit From Bikram Yoga
Yoga has been compared to an onion. As you develop a consistent practice, the layers of benefits slowly peel away and reveal themselves to you. Follow these steps to start peeling your onion with Bikram yoga.