Use Yoga With Kids in the Classroom

It's been proven that yoga helps to calm children and help them to focus their minds. Integrating yoga into classrooms helps to engage students' hearts, minds and bodies through physical and social skills games that attempt to work with the whole child instead of just working with the child's raw intelligence. A 2003 study done by the Charter College of Education shows yoga improves children's behavior and health and improves their ability to perform well academically.

Practice Kundalini Yoga Postures
Kundalini Yoga is a form of Yoga in which breathing, meditation and chanting are combined with 'asanas', or yoga postures. Kundalini postures use continuous movement to allow the life force to circulate freely in the body to energize the chakras. The aim is 'mastery of self' through releasing body tension, silencing mental chatter and releasing energy. Here is how to practice some basic Kundalini postures. These postures should be combined with Kundalini breathing and chanting.

Do the Urdhva Dhanurasana Drop Back Yoga Pose
The Urdhva Dhanurasana Drop Back, otherwise known as the upward bow posture drop back, is an Ashtanga Yoga asana which is said to refresh your entire body while reducing feelings of fear and increasing self confidence. In short, it is your basic standing backbend but when combined with the breathing and philosophical elements of Ashtanga Yoga, it becomes the Urdhva Dhanurasana.

Join a Bikram Yoga Class
Bikram yoga has grown in popularity in recent years due to an increased Western interest in yoga. Join a Bikram class and see if this style of yoga is right for you.

Sequence Kundalini Yoga Poses
How you sequence Kundalini yoga poses is determined by your ultimate goal for the Kundalini session. In Kundalina yoga, there are many different sequence sets that you can try, each one focusing on the area of your body and energy that needs work. These sequences are called kriyas. A kriya combines yoga poses with flow movement, breathing, vocalized mantras and hand positions, also called mudras. Here is a Kundalini yoga sequence that you can use to wake up the body.