Do the Chest Expansion in Yoga

The chest expansion exercise in yoga can be performed sitting or standing. An excellent choice to aid respiratory and lung capacity, it also relieves tension in the shoulders and back. The instructions below deal with the standing position; but the chest expansion can be adapted as an exercise for busy office workers sitting at a desk, too. Follow these steps to learn more.

Become a Yoga Instructor in Los Angeles
Los Angeles may famously be a town of stretch limousines, fake tans, promenade rollerblading and hyper-selective nightclubs, but there's a mellow side to the city embracing meditation, yoga and healthy living. Los Angeles-area yoga studios are brimming with yoga aficionados, guaranteeing full classes and plenty of work. Cracking into the industry can be competitive, but breathe easy. With patience and motivation, it's certainly possible to become a Los Angeles yoga instructor.

Do the Yoga Mudrasana
The Yoga Mudrasana or the yoga sealing posture is an Ashtanga Yoga posture that deepens your physical posture in the Baddha Padmasana as well as your mental and spiritual awareness.

Relieve Heartburn With Prenatal Yoga
Along with all the good parts of pregnancy (the glow, the fabulously thick hair, the impending motherhood) come the bad parts, like heartburn. Yoga is not only great, low-impact exercise for expectant moms, it can also relieve and even prevent heartburn.

Become a Yoga Teacher in Alaska
Alaska's natural beauty and the traditionally free-spirited nature of its residents make it an ideal location for becoming a yoga teacher. While studios may not be as crowded as the trendy yoga venues of Los Angeles or New York, Alaska yoga instructors embrace the opportunity to share yoga with students who may not have had much prior exposure. Emphasizing a connection with Alaska's outdoors transforms simple yoga flows into something special for students.