Do the Yoga Triangle Pose

The Triangle pose in yoga provides stretches the hamstring and back and expands your core for excellent breathing. You may use a foam block to assist you in this pose if you are less flexible, or you may deepen the stretch without it.

Benefit From Bikram Yoga
Yoga has been compared to an onion. As you develop a consistent practice, the layers of benefits slowly peel away and reveal themselves to you. Follow these steps to start peeling your onion with Bikram yoga.

Teach Yoga to Seniors
As seniors age, bones and muscles deteriorate overtime, reducing flexibility and range of motion of joints. Incorporating a safe yoga program is beneficial to increase bone density, range of motion in joints and muscular flexibility and balance. Yoga is effective for seniors with disabilities or replaced joints. Instructors should be knowledgeable in using yoga props and feel comfortable working with this population. Teaching yoga to seniors require patience and understanding of the needs and wants of the class.

Do Jivamukti Yoga
Jivamukti Yoga is a relatively new addition to the centuries-old tradition of yoga. This specific type of stretching, breathing and meditating has its roots in the idea of liberation while living. This form of yoga is designed to help you in all aspects of your life. While there are countless studios around the country that offer this yoga, here are some steps to help you do Jivamukti Yoga.

Beat the Heat in Hot Yoga
Beating the heat in a hot yoga class takes a mixture of discipline and humility. Practicing yoga in a heated room helps to soften the body and gain more flexibility. You must remember when practicing yoga that yoga is a nonjudgmental and noncompetitive practice. Taking breaks is always encouraged, and listening to your body will help you survive the heat. The Bikram Yoga website explains that a typical hot yoga class can reach 105 degrees Fahrenheit.