Become a Yoga Teacher in Alaska

Alaska's natural beauty and the traditionally free-spirited nature of its residents make it an ideal location for becoming a yoga teacher. While studios may not be as crowded as the trendy yoga venues of Los Angeles or New York, Alaska yoga instructors embrace the opportunity to share yoga with students who may not have had much prior exposure. Emphasizing a connection with Alaska's outdoors transforms simple yoga flows into something special for students.

Select Accessories for Bikram Yoga
Bikram yoga, or hot yoga, is challenging enough with the 105-degree temperatures and 50 percent humidity. Show up to class with the right gear and you will enjoy your experience more.

Teach Yoga to the Obese and to Seniors
Yoga is a valuable form of exercise that is often perceived as the domain of the slim and the flexible. If taught correctly, anyone can learn yoga and benefit from its teaching. With some simple modifications, you can teach yoga to the elderly and the obese, and share with them the benefits of increased flexibility and strength, improved coordination and higher levels of energy. If you work with the elderly and the obese, consider what they can do, and build the exercises around their ability.

Use Yoga to Fight Depression
Depression is an increasingly common affliction in this modern age, with over 121 million people diagnosed with this condition. Yoga has been shown to be effective in fighting depression. This discipline increases the oxygen circulating through your system, fighting lethargy and pessimism. It can also help you release the negative energy associated with depression, freeing you up to feel more positive and optimistic.

Dress for Ashtanga Yoga
When attending an Ashtanga yoga class, it's important to dress in a way that allows you freedom of movement while adequately covering your body. Ashtanga yoga involves an intense series of yoga postures that will definitely cause you to work up a sweat; so you'll want to be prepared. Here's how to dress for Ashtanga yoga.