Reduce Stress With Yoga

When a person is under stress, there is a lot of "mental chatter" going on in their mind. Thoughts race with worries about the future or anxiety about the past and the body generally takes the brunt of that energy. A person under stress holds tension in various parts of the body, such as the shoulders, and it can be hard to release that tension. Yoga can be a powerful way to reduce stress. By calming your racing thoughts and releasing physical tension through yoga, you will find that you feel less stressed out.

Do Japa Yoga
The repetition of any Mantra or Name of the Lord is referred to as Japa yoga. Japa is an easy way for attaining God-realization. This type of yoga is different than traditional yoga because Japa yoga mainly exercises the mind, as opposed to Power Yoga, which works the body. This article will explain how to practice Japa yoga.

Do the Crab Pose in Yoga
The Crab Pose is a beginner's back bend. Back bends strengthen the back and chest and improve spinal flexibility. They are practiced toward the end of a yoga class or home practice, between seated forward bends and inversions. Back bends like the Crab Pose, Bridge Pose and Wheel Pose are energizing poses that can alleviate fatigue and depression.

Do Poses In Bikram Yoga
Bikram Yoga is a hot, sweaty yoga where you do the same 26 poses each class. So how do you do these poses and survive the heated temperatures? Read on to learn how to do poses in Bikram yoga.

Do a Tadasana Pose in Yoga
In yoga, the Tadasana or “Mountain” pose is the most basic of all the positions, but it is arguably the most important. It is from the Tadasana pose that many positions and exercises will begin; your alignment for Tadasana carries into your alignment for many of yoga’s standing and inverted poses. So, if your alignment and positioning in Tadasana is incorrect, the rest of your workout will be incorrect as well. At first, it may just seem like you are standing, but this is the very opposite of what your body should be doing. Bringing the body into the correct alignment is difficult and takes the energy and focus of all your muscles, joints and most importantly your mind. Here’s a guide to posing correctly in Tadasana.