Treat Impotence With Yoga

Impotence can be the either the inability to have an erection, or simply not being able to keep one. Disease, drug side effects or injury can cause impotence. There are many ways approach the problem, and one of the gentlest is yoga.

Do Hatha Yoga
Strengthen and align your body and quiet and focus your mind with Hatha Yoga, one of six branches of yoga that originated in India 5,000 years ago. Hatha Yoga is the physical path to achieving the state of yoga through postures, breathing techniques, conscious relaxation and meditation. There are several styles of Hatha Yoga, each with a different approach to the poses, also known as asanas. The following steps are general guidelines for whichever style you choose.

Do a Swan Yoga Pose
Yoga is a great way to not only improve your fitness level and tone your body, but to also release areas of the body where you hold your tension. The hip area, particularly for women, is a commonly tense spot; however, the yoga swan pose can help to open and relieve stress held in the low abdomen and hips. This pose can be challenging for beginners, but with a few tips and your yoga block, you can begin practicing today.

Teach Water Yoga
Yoga takes on new dimensions when practiced in the water. Some poses that were challenging become easier and others feel completely different from their land counterparts. Try branching from teaching regular yoga formats into teaching water yoga or yoqua classes by using these steps.

Safely Practice Yoga While Pregnant
Yoga is an excellent activity for expectant mothers. It can keep you focused and flexible during pregnancy and prepare you for the rigors of both childbirth and motherhood. Yoga can be easily adapted as your pregnancy develops and your belly grows. In spite of its pliable nature, there are still some necessary precautions to take while practicing prenatal yoga. Here are some.