Create Yoga Space

You do not need a spare room in your home to create a yoga space. Just rearrange and adjust the space you currently occupy. Set up a yoga mat in the middle of the living room. If your floor plan is pinched, clean out the corner of your bedroom. Once you start to look around, you will find it is possible create a yoga space just about anywhere. If the possibilities are not jumping out at you, read on to learn how it's possible to create this haven.

Do the Crow Yoga Pose
The crow pose, also known as bakasana or the crane pose, can strengthen your arms, wrists, upper back and abdomen. Practicing this pose increases mental and physical balance.

Structure a Kids' Yoga Class at School
Not many kids have access to yoga classes at school, so offering any type of yoga program is a great opportunity for your students. You can structure a kids' yoga class at school similarly to a yoga class for adults. However, there are a few steps you can take to make a yoga program more kid-friendly.

Weigh Pros and Cons of Bikram Yoga
Bikram, known as "hot" yoga, has taken the yoga world by storm. It has grown in popularity and was first introduced to the United States by Bikram Choudhury (also known as the "Yogi to the Stars"). Bikram is practiced in a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) with a humidity of 40 percent. Bikram includes 26 asanas (postures) and 2 pranayama (breath work) exercises. The 26 asanas are repeated twice and are held for 30 seconds during each round. Classes are usually held for ninety minutes. There are many health benefits as a result of bikram, yet there are some negative results to bikram as well. It's important to research and find out as much information about bikram before you make your decision. The following information will help you learn more about bikram yoga and help you figure out if bikram is the right style of yoga for you. .

Use a Yoga Strap
Yoga straps come in a variety of materials and resistance levels. Beginners and experts alike enjoy an added challenge when using yoga straps to increase resistance for strength training. Yoga straps can also be used to deepen or guide certain stretches.