Do a Rabbit Pose in Yoga

The rabbit, or the sasangasana, is an inverted yoga pose that provides excellent traction on your back, shoulders and upper extremities. As you turn your body in an inward position, your back will have a good stretch followed by elongation of your spine. With the spine properly lengthened, the circulation of your blood will improve, allowing your nervous system to receive its proper nutrition.The placement of your upper torso helps relieve pressure from your back and shoulders all the way up to your neck and head. It also balances your hormones, stimulates your thyroid gland and improves your immune capacity. For people suffering from sinusitis, colds or congestion, tonsillitis, laryngitis, upper airway allergies and glandular problems, this position is the best way to find relief.

Do Yoga Facial Exercises
While yoga facial exercises have been around for centuries, you now see them marketed under the name of "yoga facial." These exercises can tighten the skin, tone the muscles and create a more youthful appearance overall. With regular practice, you may see stunning results in as little as 1 week. Does this Spark an idea?

Dress for Bikram Yoga
Bikram yoga requires proper dress for ease and comfort. If you show up in the wrong clothes, you will regret it for the duration of the 90-minute session.

Practice Power Yoga at Home
Practicing power yoga in your own home is convenient but can be challenging and even dangerous without the proper preparations and knowledge. Following these few simple steps will give you just the start you need.

Become a Yoga Teacher in New York
New York is a stressed-out town, so no wonder so many yoga studios are in operation here. Yoga teaching seems like a fun, easy and even important occupation, but have you considered that, like everything else in New York, it can be annoying and competitive as well? Before you quit your day job to help people along the path to enlightenment, find out a little bit more about the road to yoga teaching in New York.