Do the Yoga Lotus Pose

The Lotus pose has two variations, the Half Lotus and the Full Lotus. This seated pose is useful for meditating because the body is both peaceful and active. Holding the position also benefits flexibility and posture.

Explain Hatha Yoga
Because there are many new and wildly different styles of yoga, and because many people only have vague notions about yoga based on depictions in popular media, defining hatha yoga to newcomers can be a challenge. Trying to explain the entire history may feel daunting. You don't have to teach everything about the subject at once --- over time, you may have the opportunity to broaden and deepen the discussion and explain finer details. To start, discuss the key elements of the history of hatha yoga, and how it is practiced today.

Practice Integral Yoga at Home
Integral yoga is a very special type of yoga because it integrates the body, mind and spirit. The main purpose of this practice is to teach the students how to live healthy and peaceful lives. There are many classes around the world that inform people about integral yoga, but this article will show you how to practice integral yoga outside of the classroom and in your home.

Do a Yoga Frog Pose
The Frog Pose is an intermediate-level yoga posture. It provides a very deep stretch for the inner thighs and hips. If your knees are sensitive, have a couple of blankets or a thick yoga mat available to place under your knees for cushioning. If you have any back sensitivities, be sure to keep the abdominal muscles contracted and do not over-arch the lower back. Move slowly in and out of this posture.

Do the Savasana Yoga Pose
The Savasana posture, often referred to as the corpse posture is an Ashtanga Yoga pose that promotes deep relaxation. The Savasana posture is said to relieve the body of tensions, accumulated throughout the day while helping to improve health, happiness and creativity.