Get Fast Weight Loss

Weight loss is something that is on most everyone's mind, and those who want to lose, want to lose fast. Crash diet fads come and go, such as the cabbage soup diet, the lemonade diet (also known as Master Cleanse) and the Hollywood diet, but most of the weight lost on these diets will be water weight. "You can safely lose three or more pounds a week at home with a healthy diet and lots of exercise," says weight loss counselor Katherine Tallmadge at

Firm Loose Skin After Weight Loss
When a person loses a significant amount of weight (usually at least 50 pounds), her skin will also lose some of its elasticity. Weight gain stretches skin and the subsequent weight loss makes this phenomenon visible to the naked eye. Thus, skin becomes loose and saggy, particularly around the abdomen, thighs and upper arms where most weight tends to accumulate. Luckily, there are several remedies that can firm up your loose skin after weight loss, including exercise, healthy eating and plastic surgery.

Lose Weight on Dr. Oz's Diet
Dr. Oz's Diet is not so concerned about weighing yourself as a measure of successful weight loss, rather his diet is aimed to decrease your waist size. According to Dr. Oz, decreasing one's waist line is important in improving ones health and in turn, losing weight.

Use Pomegranate for Weight Loss
Anyone that has ever tried to lose weight knows that it is an uphill battle. Incorporating the fruit pomegranate into your diet will make that battle a little less difficult. In addition to exercising and eating a clean diet, adding pomegranate to your diet will surely help you lose the pounds easier as it is brimming with CLA, antioxidants and polyphenols, all of which help you burn fat and boost your metabolism.

Lower Cortisol Levels and Lose Weight
It's possible to lower cortisol levels and lose weight. Stress leads to elevated cortisol levels, which signal the body to store fat. High cortisol levels also increase hunger pains. Cortisol is healthy in small amounts; however increased cortisol levels increase appetite, cause weight gain and increase chances for diabetes and depression. There are a few ways to fight back high cortisol levels. Follow the steps below to lower cortisol levels and lose weight.