Lose Middle Age Weight

Losing middle age weight can be difficult. With age, muscle mass diminishes and so does our metabolic rate. Metabolic rate is the number of calories your body burns throughout the day. Adding to the problem, many people hinder their calorie-burning potential with crash diets, ineffective exercise routines and other bad habits. Here are a few tips to help you effectively lose middle age weight.

Swim for Weight Loss
Swimming is a popular recreational sport that can be used for weight loss and to improve your overall fitness. Swimming uses mostly your upper body but also provides a great low-impact workout for your heart, legs and lungs. Whether you are new to swimming or do it daily, you can make swimming part of your weight-loss program. The key is to swim vigorously enough and long enough to burn the calories necessary to drop pounds.

Explain Sudden Weight Loss
Sudden and drastic weight loss can be attributed to several things. A marked decrease in appetite or the start of a demanding fitness schedule can result in sudden weight loss. If neither of those things are a factor, a sudden weight loss can be indicative of health issues. It may be related to digestion issues, thyroid disorders, diabetes or cancer. Any time there is a sudden weight loss of 10 pounds or more, a medical professional should be seen.

Lose Weight With Shift Work
Losing fat when you work the night shift can be extremely difficult. Your body is not following its natural rhythm, so you are often tired. Preparing healthy foods and getting in a good workout fall to the wayside. Things get even more complicated if you do shift work where you alternate shifts every week. Your body never has a chance to adjust. Still, with a bit of commitment, you can lose weight with shift work.

Lose Weight With Sunflower Seeds
The kernels of sunflower seeds are high in fat but when eaten in moderation, are healthy snacks that provide health benefits that support your weight loss program. Sunflower seeds are sold with or without shells and are either raw or roasted. They are a good source of protein, Vitamin E and other vitamins and minerals. Almost 90 percent of the fat in the kernels is unsaturated and helps prevent heart disease. Their high fiber content promotes a healthy digestive system. An ounce of sunflower seeds (about 300) has 160 calories and 5 grams of protein.