Prevent Hair Loss When Losing Weight

Hair goes through two main cycles: growth and rest. The growth phase accounts for 90 percent of the overall cycle, while rest accounts for the remaining 10 percent. The resting cycle is completed by the shedding of 50 to 100 hair strands a day. Nutritional deficiencies due to dieting can cause hair to prematurely enter the resting cycle, resulting in excessive hair loss. To prevent this from happening, a proper balance of vitamins and minerals must be maintained while dieting, so you can lose the weight -- but not your hair.

Lose Weight With Belly Dance
Ready to try a new form of exotic exercise? Belly dance may be just the thing to keep you motivated to reach your weight loss goals. Belly dance is great cardiovascular exercise, and if you practice it vigorously, you can burn between 250 and 300 calories per hour. Combine your belly dancing with a sensible diet, and you'll see results.

Do a Biggest Loser Weight Loss Challenge at Work
Have the endless string of company lunches and breakroom snacks left your and your coworker's clothes a bit tighter? Do you find yourself wistfully watching the Biggest Loser on television, wishing that you had the combination of teamwork and competition to help you I your weight loss efforts? Fight back against the bulge at the office alongside your coworkers by doing a Biggest Loser Challenge at work. Here's how to set up your own Biggest Loser Challenge to make your workplace a fitter, healthier one.

Lose Weight Hiking
Hiking is a great way to lose weight because it requires little specialized equipment and it's easy to get started. Most people can hike, even if it's in short sessions at the beginning. As a bonus, you'll get a chance to see interesting wildlife and beautiful nature scenes. Hiking different terrain also keeps you from getting bored.

Effectively Lose Weight Through Lap Band Surgery
Lap Band surgery has helped many patients lose weight effectively. Unlike crash diets and cosmetic surgery, Lap Band surgery can help you manage your weight into the foreseeable future. For Lap Band surgery to work as effectively as possible, however, you may need to change many aspects of your life.