Teach a Yoga Class

When teaching yoga, you help students to increase their flexibility and strength while enhancing their sense of unity and giving them a chance to tune into their body through exercise and breathing. Though there are many types of yoga--Iyengar, Bikram, Ashtanga, Hatha, Vinyasa and Anusara, for example--the ways of teaching classes are fairly similar. Read on to learn how teach a yoga class.

Modify A Yoga Class For Pregnancy
According to the American College Of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the National Academy of Sports Medicine, whatever type of physical activity you were doing before pregnancy can be continued throughout pregnancy with fairly simple modifications as long as you are healthy. Pregnancy is not a time to "go for the burn." Rather, it's a time to keep your body limber, maintain your fitness level and calm your mind. If you've maintained a fairly regular yoga practice, there's no reason why you shouldn't continue during your pregnancy.

Practice Mula Bandha in Yoga
In Sanskrit, mula means "root," and bandha translates as "lock" or "binding." The action of mula bandha is a lifting of the root muscles, or pelvic floor muscles. This exercise, called Kegels in the medical community, has many benefits. It can help prevent incontinence and strengthen the vaginal walls after childbirth. It may also help stabilize the spine and improve posture.

Mula bandha focuses on the muscles that form a sling in the pelvis from the pubis to the coccyx. These muscles support the upper part of the vagina, the uterus, the bladder, the rectum, and the prostrate. They also surround the sphincters of the urethra, vagina, and rectum, which can help protect against leakage.

Many yoga practitioners have heard the term mula bandha, but few yoga instructors provide detailed instruction on the technique. That is because mula bandha can be difficult to describe and at first, challenging (but rewarding) to achieve.

do Kriya Yoga Meditation
Kriya yoga meditation is designed to purge energy obstructions that can occur in both the body and mind. The Kriya yoga meditation includes a general life awareness and balance in addition to breathing and actual meditation that help you to gain control of your energy and bring calm. Obtain self-awareness by practicing Kriya yoga on a regular basis.

Become a Yoga Instructor in Canada
Although the benefits of yoga have been known in India for over 3,000 years, this form of meditative movement reached North America in the 20th century. Yoga attracted many practitioners, and the demand for qualified teachers grew as the years went on. Though yoga practitioners approach class with individual objectives and goals, every yoga student appreciates a highly qualified and well-prepared instructor. Canada offers a variety of options for those wishing to obtain national or international yoga certification as instructors.