Tone the Stomach With Yoga

Yoga is an exercise routine designed to engage your body, mind and spirit as you work out. Many yoga poses and stretches will help tone your stomach while giving you better posture and more flexibility over time. Yoga stretches help elongate and strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Make Your Own Yoga Hammock
Aerial yoga, a modern variation on traditional yoga practices, uses hammocks or "silks" to support participants in midair, where they execute a range of postures, also known as "asanas." If you'd like to try aerial yoga, first contact local studios to try out a class. To continue the practice at home, you can make your own hammock either with a ready-made yoga silk and appropriate hardware or with comparable fabric of equal strength. You need a sturdy, exposed I-beam to hang your hammock safely. Does this Spark an idea?

Treat TMJ With Yoga
TMJ, or Temporo-Mandibular Joint, is a fairly common health problem that affects the jaw muscles. Nothing can match a doctor's treatment but some patients have found that yoga relaxation techniques can ease their discomfort. Consult your doctor and give it a try. Release that tension.

Do Vinyasa Yoga Breathing Patterns
There are many pranayamas (breathing exercises) in yoga, but the most practiced in Vinyasa is the Ujjayi breath. The pattern for Ujjayi breath is fairly simple once you find your own rhythm and rate. Here is a step-by-step way to pattern your breath and find your own breathing rhythm.

Do a Yoga Turtle Pose
The turtle pose is also known as the kurmasana. It is a yoga pose where the human body imitates the form of a turtle sticking its head and four limbs out, and then pulling its head and limbs back into its shell. It involves gradual execution and takes careful positioning of certain body parts to achieve its benefits. This position opens up the hip, which then provides good circulation around the area. The back will have a good stretch as well as the groin, lower extremities, upper extremities and shoulders. It also serves as a good position for your spine and abdomen. Here are some steps on how to do a yoga turtle pose.