Do Vinyasa Yoga Breathing Patterns

There are many pranayamas (breathing exercises) in yoga, but the most practiced in Vinyasa is the Ujjayi breath. The pattern for Ujjayi breath is fairly simple once you find your own rhythm and rate. Here is a step-by-step way to pattern your breath and find your own breathing rhythm.

Do a Yoga Turtle Pose
The turtle pose is also known as the kurmasana. It is a yoga pose where the human body imitates the form of a turtle sticking its head and four limbs out, and then pulling its head and limbs back into its shell. It involves gradual execution and takes careful positioning of certain body parts to achieve its benefits. This position opens up the hip, which then provides good circulation around the area. The back will have a good stretch as well as the groin, lower extremities, upper extremities and shoulders. It also serves as a good position for your spine and abdomen. Here are some steps on how to do a yoga turtle pose.

Do Yoga At Home
Are you interested in Yoga, but do not have the time or the money to go to a Yoga Center or gym? With a few simple items, you can do Yoga at home. Doing Yoga at home is low cost and convenient.

Teach Laughter Yoga to Children
Laughter yoga is unique in that you not only perform breathing exercises, but you also incorporate laughter into the exercise routine. With additional stress on children in recent years, including parents' divorce, school expectations and peer pressure, it's becoming increasingly important to keep our children laughing.

Write a Yoga Resume
Writing a resume for yoga depends on whether you have experience in teaching and participating in classes or are a newcomer. There are three main formats of resumes: chronological, functional and technical. The technical format is for IT or engineering positions so is not relevant. If you have taught and participated in classes, you should use the chronological format. If you do not have at least five years experience in yoga, the functional format is for you.