Lose Weight Using a Treadmill

Exercise can help you shed extra pounds, and using a treadmill regularly is an effective way to build cardiovascular fitness as well. You can use a treadmill for walking, jogging or running, and if your treadmill is at home, you can exercise whenever you choose.

Lose Weight with CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)
CLA or conjugated linoleic acid is a fatty acid that helps people lose fat and gain muscle. Most meat and dairy products naturally contain CLA; however, many people do not get enough of this fatty acid because the common American diet is made up from mostly processed foods. CLA was originally used to slim down cattle by blocking the weight gaining effect from stress. In humans, CLA was proven to help people lose weight and gain muscle. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, CLA cannot only help people get toned, but also it can help increase metabolism.

Lose Weight With Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is one of the most common products of cranberries, a popular fruit grown mostly in North America. Nutrition Data reports that 1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice contains 116 calories. Nearly all of the calories in cranberry juice are from fructose, the type of sugar naturally found in fruit. Cranberry juice can be used to promote weight loss because the beverage is a natural diuretic. Diuretics increase the production of urine, which removes excess water and toxins from the body.

Lose Weight With Bowflex
The Bowflex machine is a popular piece of home exercise equipment, primarily for its ease of use and one-size-fits-all approach to resistance training. With nothing more than a Bowflex, you can easily perform an exercise routine to work all of the major muscle groups of your body, enabling you to lose weight in a fraction of the time it would take without the inclusion of regular exercise.

Lose Weight With Lecithin
Lecithin comes from the Greek word "Lekithos," which means "egg yolk." All living organisms contain lecithin. Your liver produces this fatty substance in bile. Every cell in your body needs lecithin. So how does lecithin help you lose weight? Lecithin is a fat emulsifier, breaking down fat and liquefying it, so it's no longer stored in your body. When you take lecithin supplements or eat foods high in lecithin, your body burns fat much more efficiently.

Nutritionist and author Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, proved in a six-week study of 30 clients that adding two eggs to their diets and drinking water and lemon juice (a bile thinner) twice daily resulted in weight loss for all, without exercise changes. "One woman lost 21 pounds over the six-week period," Gittleman said.