Lose Weight With Isagenix

Isagenix is a weight-loss program that primarily consists of a nine-day program, a 30-day program and a lifetime maintenance program. The plan calls for one low-fat, high-fiber meal consisting of about 500 calories per day. The Isagenix system also includes nutritional supplement, specialty food products and exercise. The following steps will show how to lose weight with Isagenix.

Increase Alkalinity to Lose Weight
The efficiency of the body's immune and cardiovascular systems, as well as bone health, are dependent on the delicate alkaline and acid balance of blood and cell fluids in the body. Metabolism may also hinge on this balance, which is measured on a scale known as pH. The pH for optimal health falls between 6.8 and 7.1., and the acid-alkaline balance can be affected by your dietary and lifestyle choices.

While the idea that increasing the body's alkalinity to promote weight loss is not yet accepted by mainstream medicine, alternative health experts claim that the typical American diet of acidity-inducing foods--such as processed flour, white sugar, trans and saturated fats, as well as snacks riddled with artificial preservatives--leads to weight gain.

According to Dr. George M. Wolverton, M.D., a longtime practitioner of integrative medicine who specializes in holistic therapies, consuming acid-forming foods in combination with the stresses of modern day life tips your body's pH balance unfavorably toward acidity. The resulting state of "acidosis" may cause your body to burn muscle and store fat--a stubborn problem in the battle to lose weight. Wolverton's claim is echoed by other alternative health experts, such as Dr. Robert O. Young and Professor Loren Cordain, creators of the pH Miracle Living approach and The Paleo Diet series respectively. They suggest increasing your alkalinity to help your body function more efficiently in general, which may ultimately lead to weight loss specifically. You can do this by following a few steps, ranging from the simple and quick to the more involved.

Lose Weight Eating Fast Food
You may be a fast food junkie and eat in your car all the time - especially in the summer when there's so much to see and do, and you're often on the road. However, that doesn't mean you have to gain weight. Take a few simple precautions about what you're putting into your mouth and you will soon see a difference on your tummy and thighs.

Use Olive Oil to Promote Weight Loss
Olive oil has a long list of associated health benefits. It's well known for reducing cholesterol levels and protecting against heart disease but, surprisingly for a fat, it can also help you lose weight. The Shangri-La Diet and the Mediterranean Diet both rely on the consumption of olive oil as a component of their weight loss plans. Research in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that olive oil can assist with weight loss because it increases fat metabolism--the rate at which we break down body fat. The key is to ensure that olive oil is the main source of fat in the diet, alongside smaller amounts of saturated fat.

Lose Weight With Whey Protein Shakes
Whey protein shakes are consumed as a means to reduce caloric intake while providing nutrition to athletes. The Whey Protein Institute argues that whey protein features the highest amounts of protein in proportion to mass that is available within any known natural source. Supplement your diet appropriately with whey protein shakes to lose weight and build muscle efficiently.